Well my friends I do not know if you know but I am 20 years old going on 21 and I have not had a moment that has happened yet that has let me know that the good old irresponsible days are out the window until I had an interesting afternoon with JJ on Tuesday. She sent me a text message early on Tuesday asking me if I would be down to make it happen. What does that mean?! Well JJ had a feeling she was pregnant. PREGNANT?! I picked her up from work after I got out of work and we headed out to Rite Aid and got a prenancy test. We went to Jack in the Box to get her something to drink and we sat. She did not want to pee! We basically sat there talked about everything in life and nothing. So we headed to target and walked around the WHOLE store until she finally had to pee! Man....so can anyone guess what the results where? Cliff hanger baby! Keep reading and eventually I will spill the beans...

While I was at target we walked by (MY FAVORITE SECTION) the toys section. I found this awesome blue ball and started playing with it in the store. So imagine this, a 20 yr old chick dressed in office clothes with a purse hanging from arm arm as she tries to bounce the ball volleyball style towards the air and keep her balance. JJ was totally cracking up. This is when she told me she had to go potty and I told her I was taking the ball with me and after she was done I would bring it back. She offered to pay for the ball so I was like heck yes and hugged her and called her mom. This is typical when we hang out, I act like the child that I am and then call her mom because she is the 5 foot 90 pound chick and im the 5 foot 6 160 pound monster next to her. Yes we call her tiny :) but anyways so there I go playing with my new ball down the aisle and this kid stares at me and tugs on his moms sleeve to get a ball like mine. HA! Priceless my friends. Then JJ is done and we walk towards the shower stuff and I accidentally hit this lady with the ball on the leg and I apologize and run to JJ. She asks me, what did you do? I was like, hit this lady. She laughed and I laughed. Good times!
Melinda and I kicked it on Friday night and we headed down to the movies down in Claremont. This is the smallest movie theater I have ever been to! OMG only 8 rooms?! Yes it was crazy but I watched The Reader and I am so glad we did it was great! So this is like half way into the movie and I am trying so hard not to cry when I hear Melinda sniffling and occasionally rubbing her eyes and nose. Good I am not the only one feeling sad about this movie! Then 3/4 into the movie my neighbor on the left is also crying and I am like absolutely balling and my sleeves are just wet of tears. It was great. This is one of those Holocaust movies that does not overdo it like other movies. Nothing really about the kills but it is a different movie and I think that is what makes it great. I did not expect anything from this movie because I have never read the book but I recommend it a million times over and over. Now the only thing left to do is watch revolutionary road and slumdog millionaire.
After the movies Melinda took me to a bar in downtown Pomona and I was in my first bar fight! It was great! So here we are Melinda and I chillin by the bar drinking and listening to the live band playing when Melinda taps me on the shoulder and tell me someone grabbed her ass. I was like oh hell no who was it. Turned out it was a guy who was sitting next to her. Melinda got her bf and he brought it home. He went up to the guys and told them whats up. First of all I might add these two guys were big! Not like big lenght wise but wide big! And to add on to the festivities these two guys were drunk as hell! So they get in a verbal fight and then they take it outside and the guy throws the first punch but is like slow motion while doing it because he is waaaaaaay drunk! I swear my dead grandfather would have won that fight because they were ridiculously wasted but Melinda's bf was cool about it and yeah it was just crazy cool! I was all sipping on my rum and coke watching the action unfold. I LOVE bars! :) Im heading down there next Friday!

Now have any of you called on the geek squad? I was walking my dogs on Wednesday and a neighbor called on one and the famous black and white bug was parked outside. It was a guy and I thought to myself, how manly can you feel driving in one of those cars? I mean seriously? It sucks if your job demands that you drive a cute black and white bug and you are this gangster looking guy with shades and baggy pants. I do not know but I thought it was funny.

Im reading the newspaper and the Taco Bell dog has won a lawsuit and has received his money! Thats right buddy, Yo Quiero Mi Dinero!
Back to JJ, turned out negative....GOOD! Not bashing on having kids and what not but I want my godchild to have a nana who is loaded so she needs to wait a couple years until Jazzie is bringing the money home! :)
Well kids this is the end of my sane blog...love yall!