Well kiddies I know I made this one short but I really need to head out and do REAL work... hahaha Ill post something else later on and try to remember other things I am completly blanking out on! Love yall...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Finally you are back!!!
And it feels soooo good! I have been meaning to post something sooner but you know me I get lazy and all caught up in my own world that I forget to let you guys in on my daily happenings. I Hope for this blog to be extremely entertaining and full of good stuff since its been almost 2 MONTHS since the last post. Tsk tsk tsk.. I know...
Lets get started with some celebrity news. Oh who is that? The happy lovely couple of Rihanna and Chris Brown. Well let me give my two cents on the whole situation, oh and while I am talking about this I would like to comment on how bad Oprah butchers Rihanna's name every time she says it. I mean you are rich as fuck and no one has taught you to not sound out the H! Anyways I think this is 1st of all stupid. I am glad everyone can see the stupidity of celebrities and I hope their parents teach their children to not look up to celebrities as role models when it comes to morals and personality. I mean sure if you are a great singer you can look up to Mariah Carey or Beyonce because they are talented women but not their personal life. I hope Chris Brown gets more than a slap on the hand for this because cases like these are taken too lightly in our justice system. Furthermore Rihanna is an idiot! She loves him and for that she took him back, bitch you are beautiful!!! Gorgeous!! Talented!! What the hell do you need a douche like Chris Brown?! YOU DON'T! Whatever... I call it common sense
It was my boss's birthday last week and it was my job to find a birthday card for her. Well I went to CVS and was in the card section for over an hr! I was laughing my fat ass off!!! It was soo funny to read all these funny birthday cards. There was this one where on the front it said, "You are not old until the fat lady sings" and you open the card and then a fat lady sings... lol!!! I was laughing to myself and then some CVS worker just passes by me a couple times wondering if I was stealing these cards or if I was mentally stable. Try it some day, go to the Hallmark store or something and just read the funny cards...cheap entertainment!
So my co worker and I after studying went to the movies to see Slumdog Millionaire (I know it took me forever to watch this movie) and I was extremely disappointed. I seriously walked out of that movie wanting my money back. All the hype and Oscar awards made it seem like I was going to walk out of this movie with a new perspective on life and you know inspirations and what not. Nope. I was not at all emotional during the movie. What I did like was the way the movie went back and forth on his life and the children actors just stole the movie in my opinion. What the hell was up with the dancing at the end? My co worker and I walked out.. looked at each other for a second without saying anything and then she broke the silence," Was that all?"... yes my friend that was all.
As all of you should know, Obama has reversed the whole not funding to stem cell research and I could not be happier! Yes thank you Mr. Obama for understanding the advancements in science that need to be done in order for greater inventions and discoveries to happen. Thank you for understanding that recycling is the future and the reduction of the use of fossil fuels needs to happen. Thank you for understanding that there needs to be mandatory funding for us to be released from our unhealthy dependence on foreign oil. Thank you for listening as well.
Is he scaring you yet?! Hahahaha well last week on Thursday I did not have much to do after work so I headed to Tustin Ranch to go window shopping because that is what I do. I have discovered that when I am bored I tend to spend alot of money! Well I was at best buy debating whether to buy a bluetooth or not. I decided not to and instead spent my fortune on three CDs. I bought Nas Untitled, Ludacris Theater of the Mind, and Michael Jackson Number Ones. OMG I love the MJ CD! I bump it as much as I can before I get sick of it but dude its ridiculously good! I went to get an oil check on my car and my tires rotated... and as the guy pulled my car in he was jamming to MJ as well loving the music. Hahaha I swear MJ is a legend and who ever does not like his music is no where close to having descent music taste!
If many of you do not know, I am huge on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I have tremendous respect for this man because he knows his shit yet he makes everything funny. Well on Thursday there was this interview he did with Jim Cramer from Mad Money which is on CNBS and OMG did he burn his fucking ass! He so deserved it too! Here he is acting like a hero for people and their investments when he turns around and tells others how to take advantage of the market and screw the rest of us over! Well I recommend you go watch Thursday's episode because it was great! It even made it to the front page of the LA Times on Friday.
Well kiddies I know I made this one short but I really need to head out and do REAL work... hahaha Ill post something else later on and try to remember other things I am completly blanking out on! Love yall...
Well kiddies I know I made this one short but I really need to head out and do REAL work... hahaha Ill post something else later on and try to remember other things I am completly blanking out on! Love yall...
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