Yeah Nike has never said it better... I love Nike by the way. So here it is...after all the hiding under books and more books I finally dig a hole in my
hw when I can actually enjoy some time to myself. Forget that I have an Anthropology test later on tonight and forget that I have not prepared for it because right now I am under a time deadline. I am at the public library typing this blog out of pure inspiration. Okay I know I have been out for quite a while so I have a blog that would be somewhat interesting starting with events from today. See how much I love you guys? Events off the cookie sheets!....
mmmm cookies *drools*
So I will give background information to the details of today's amazingly yet weird sequence of events. I work for a state funded program and we have a program named HOTS which happens 4 times a year. Well today was the day of delivery for tomatoes to 5 of our school sites. So i walk into Stater Brothers and march straight into the produce department and get my grape tomatoes...all 16 pints of them. So there I was at the cashier letting em check my produce and the guy is
bagging them into my cart. So I ask for a PO paper and start filling it out. I finish and give it to the cashier lady and turn to grab my cart and it is gone! GONE! Okay... I start freaking out and I ask the guy who was bagging my groceries about my cart. He said he just saw it a second ago. I look at the cashier and ask her and then she asks me if I had someone else with me.
Umm.. unless it was Casper paying a friendly visit uh no I was quite alone. So the cashier myself and the bagging guy run to the parking lot and there is nobody there. Now...
I'm pretty pissed because these are the only tomatoes they had and I took them all... turned out two "African American women were standing by the corner of the store and came up took my cart and left with it" now i quoted that because that is what they guy standing behind me said. Then why the hell...DID HE NOT SAY ANYTHING!!! well he thought they were with me. Ugh! So me with no tomatoes filling out a refund paper because our P.O. was charged for it. Then TA DA! the delivery truck comes and saves the day with more tomatoes!!! So there I stand waiting for my tomatoes to be unloaded for like... 15 min. And there it is fun day at work!!!
Alright last weekend we had the ever so exciting Ohio State University against the best ever who?! TROJANS BABY!!! Yeah so on this trip is was
Melinda, Riley and myself behind the wheel. Ha! I scared the crap outta Melinda with my driving.
JJ has been way too much in the car with me to really mind it at this point but what can I say I am a very impatient person. Nonetheless I am a great driver on the freeway.. and a
lil over the speed limit..not as bad as I used to be. So we
decided to hit Huntington Beach before the game and boy was it hot... great to sit on the sand and soak up the sun! We played beach volleyball upon arrival and
boy is that hard!! More than I thought at least. I give all the credit to the
Olympian volleyball players
cuz dayum! your sport is
hella crazy! Then Riley and I played football and then we went to the water. None of us got in but
JJ and Melinda wanted to lay like bums so Riley and I walked to the
pier. Oh man I love the beach. So many people that you would have
definitely never met anywhere else. After that we rolled out to my
fav pizza place in Orange named
Zitto's Pizza!!! Yum yum yum... couple pitchers of beer... of course I
didn't drink anything
cuz one
im under age and two I was driving! and a salad with s
ome meat lovers pizza and some veggie lovers pizza. GOOD STUFF!!
Btw the Buckeyes got their asses handed to them by the number one ranked team in the country..
that's right..COUNTRY! Afterwards
JJ and I headed to the mall and chilled while walking around and saw the cutest puppies around!!!
Alright now what else is there to say?!
Hmm two weekend ago my dad insisted that we go to the
Azusa river. Fine we went and boy am I glad that I did. The water was at a good 40 degrees and shallow so it was great to just lay in it. We went to the upper most part of the river and man it felt good to be in the water with a breeze and not in a hot as heck house in the middle of the city. I got to lay in the water with my
hw reading. It feels good to just think about it so
imma stop because I seriously want to drive up there and take a dip in the cool water.
mmmm :D
Which reminds me that same weekend Melinda and I went out on a Friday. So there we were waiting in line to get into the LA County Fair. Yeah yeah yeah
wooo hoo or whatever. So we had a coupon and I guess I read it wrong so when we got up there we
couldn't get in for 5 bucks... we had to pay 12 bucks! So yeah we walked for nothing and wasted an hour of our lives. Went back to Melinda's place and she took me to some Japanese sushi place and
OMG was it
sooo effin goood!!! Then she took me to a bar in Downtown Pomona which was pretty chill and stuff. Afterwards we went to a restaurant/bar and stayed there till 2
I've ever been out. Yeah I
kno im 19 and should do whatever I want but its hard when u got strict parents!!!
Hahaha anyways yeah I got pretty tired but nonetheless it was great great fun! THANKS MELINDA!
So...I think I have told
yah some of my adventures these days and hopefully I can stay
on top of this damn blog!!! Love