I vowed to never ever start another blog site as long as I lived because of the bad memories of Xanga but look at me now!
How to start my first blog ever?! What to talk about?! Now I remember why I rarely blog on Myspace. I usually blog about me, because lets face it...it is all about me! Okay really now I will stop and get to something good.

Today was pretty much an ordinary day at work but there was nothing ordinary about waking up at 6am after two full weeks of waking up at 1pm. Is it so bad for me to be in a bad mood? I think not. I think it was perfectly justified but then I jammed my CD full blast and danced to it on the freeway. Have you ever found yourself driving on the freeway and a weird person is dancing or singing their heart out while singing into their comb or Starbucks coffee? Yeah *points at self* thats me baby! Who cares!! When will you ever see me again? Probably the next day but that does not kill my thrills and joys.
I got a call a second ago about a job interview I have scheduled for tomorrow @ 1:30pm! Do not get me wrong I love my current job but it cannot pay the bills! I mean who is suppose to live decently off 14K a year?! Well my name is not Jesus and I cannot make millions from one 20 dollar bill (why use your power of multiplying things to get more fish? C'mon Jesus! Multiply money and invite everyone to a filet-0-fish at Mcd's). Therefore I find myself at the point where I have to find a new job. I am sad to break the news to my boss but what else is there to do? I need the money. This job I have an interview for is a 10 month 8.0 hr job with benefits. No silly not THOSE benefits but the dental and health care ones. Yeah I know you were not thinking like that at all but I was, ha!
Oh Bush I hate you, I'm sorry I had to.
Well I think I am done here! Have a good one guys!
First comment! Good stuff right here, I actually liked all of that. I wanna see ya jamming down the highway with your comb too though, hah. Never seen the Truman Show, so I guess I'm a bum for that, doh. I guess I kinda have a special box. I have my money, checks, old receipts, old bills to keep all organized, work stubs, you know how it goes. Well, talk soon. :)
Im not quite sure who you are, hah but I'm a frequenter of Bird's blog so i figured I'd give you a read and it was actually entertaining. Good Job
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