Now dont get thinking that I am in some kinky mood because I wrote this as a title but I am listening to Pretty Ricky- Grind on Me at this exact moment. Yeah those boys just get me in the mood. Anyways I need to get a little more consistent when it comes to these blogs but I just cannot get into the groove of things. Nonetheless I will bring you the best of Jazzie's world because it is all that and a bag of chips!
~Family Party~
Now I know that I am hispanic and that it is not hard to believe that I have alot of family (ALOT!) and last Saturday I went to a party and I met some of my cousins. Now how do you live around the same area and not know they exist? Well we have managed to do that and I met two new cousins on top of the regular 15 or so. My mom had a bomb ass time drinking with the family and singing while putting me in utter embarassment. Gotta love the parentals right? My dad sat this one out and my mom and I got home at midnight. I was the one begging her to go home because I was not having a great time. Just to show you the great fun I had I slept in the truck for 1 hr and went to starbucks afterwards, the thrills and joys!
~Hanging with Debsterz~
So Debbie and I are awesome friends at work and obviously people hate us for it. I got

a recent evaluation and it turns out I did a crappy job. Great. Now obviously that doesnt stop us from chilling together. On Tuesday I went to Debbie's house to hang and it was absolutely fun!! We had some Jack to make the evening a little more pleasant and also dove into the pool for a couple hours. The weather was great and we had fun talking about all the crappy people at work. Anyways afterwards she made bomb dinner and man I love her for it! lol Debbie is just awesome! On the right is a picture of the dinner.. yeah it was hella good!

Okay seriously now... who the hell goes to a concert and doesnt even pay for it? ME!!! why?! Because JJ loves me! We went to the ProjekRev. with Linkin Park...OMG!!! It was amazingly fun!! Those guys put on a hell of a performance! I loved every second of it! Obviously there were waaaaaay more bands. The actual even started at 1pm. We actually got there at 5:30pm.

We got to the even after we scared the hell outta the white people in Irvine Spectrum. Well JJ had this great idea of going to eat before we hit up the place. Now if any of you havent been to the spectrum its actually pretty big. So JJ and I had this neat idea of blasting some Vicente Fernandez. Oh yeah instand reaction and instant head turning when we rolled all over the mall. Then we got some Rocio Dulcal. Yeah thats how we roll! Anywho we found Johnny Rockets and we decided to dine there. It was a good time... Ill let JJ show you. ------>

Moving on... the boys of the night started playing around 9:20pm and we got the best songs and we ended with the best Linkin Park song ever, One Step Closer. If you are old school or live under a rock then you must not know the middle part of this song. At the middle part it says "Shut up when I'm talking to you." Now imagine you and thousands of more people shouting that at the same time. HOW KOOL! Anyways it was a great time. THANKS JJ!!
Okay I think this is mostly all I wanted to cover on this blog. School starts next week! :( Whatta drag but I got my financial aid finally! Anyways I am done, goodnight!