Did you miss me? Yeah I figured...
It has been some intense time in my life right now as I prepare myself to start school and continue on my hunt for a new job. Many things make me happy yet some make me sad. Okay so where to start?]
Okay lets make it official and not confuse anyone... im officially a titan and not a bruin... so I decided to side with cal state fullerton instead of UCLA... *sigh* but im quite happy because I like the campus and I am able to pay for it myself. During orientation there was this vase that no joke looked like a vagina... mmhmm a lil kinky but it was a sign from Jeebuz himself saying that it was the school for me.
~Fun #1~
Moving on... guess where I went last Monday?? Dodgers game!!! Think Blue biawtch!!! My opinion

What else have I been up to? Well my friend JJ and I went to wingnuts. If any of you dont know it is a kick ass wings place where they have as many tvs as they have seating booths. I invited JJ to go watch an Angels game with me on tv because it has been a hot second since the last time we hung. I ordered a banana smoothie and boy was it good! I went in to take a picture of the smoothie and look at the end result... yeah... not very concentrated on the smoothie... ha! I showed JJ and she got a kick out of it... what can I say I got killer friends. Angels won by the way..!
~Fun #3~

So we go at it again JJ and I on the loose! On Sat we hit the not so local mall...meaning that we had to drive more than 5 min!!! oh the horror!! Well nonetheless we found ourselves having fun talking about ppl... because thats what we do. We found the most awesomest post its and mattresses! Need proof? Let JJ show you. Now is that hot or what? Yeah I bought it after she rolled all over it. ;) Im kidding.. I did not have my Macy's card on me!
aight im done loves of my life... check yah out laters hopefully with something good to say.. :)
1 comment:
Wow.. wasn't sure you'd ever be back, but a nice post. Tell JJ I said hi, hah. We need more baseball chicks out here, I'm jealous. Same old here, doing real good. Have fun. :)
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