Lets face it, lost cause. We have not even started the year and I have already given up on my New Years Resolutions! I am kidding guys, I actually started my New Years Resolutions early this year, I take that back all of them except the do better in school one. I PROMISE to do better in school because it is getting too expensive for me. Nonetheless here we are on the final post of 08 and I have nothing to say! So stay with me. Wait!!! I can do a picture Blog! Yessss...I shall do that!!! :)

So here I am on the right finishing 07 and getting ready for 08. I had long hair, oh I miss the long hair! Loving my cousins faces huh?? Gotta love it!

Here is like 1/30th of my family hanging for my dad's birthday at our backyard. Yes it was hella fun. As you can see we got the carne asada with a whole thing of salsa along with the booze. Yes typical family gathering.

This is the crappy picture my cell phone took for the Dodgers/Giants game which my friends and I went. Good Times!! BTW Dodgers lost but it is okay, I dont like them anyways! Ha! :)

Another big thing in 08 was my graduation from CC. Yes this is my AA! :D

Here we have the Halloween Fundraiser for PTK 08, I promise I am not asian!

Here we have the 08 PTK Regional for the CA/NV region. Yes we were awesome hosts! and I just love this picture, can you find me??

Here we start a string of pictures in Philly, yes we had some free time. Here I am on our way back to our hotel rooms.

This is our last night in Philadelphia so we had to look hella good for the Gala Awards. Too bad we did not win anything. I also was pissed that the dancing social was like completly not existent because the awards went for so long. Ah well I still got to hang with the person I planned on hanging with. I miss Philly. :(

Here we are: (Left) Riley, Emily, and I. We were SOOO bored! So we took non stop pictures of ourselves!

Here is Riley and I with the statues outside the Philadelphia Phillies Stadium.

Here we are by City Hall so we thought we would have fun with the falling domino.

Here I am riding the whatever its called at like 5 am! 1 hr of sleep after walking in Philadelphia for like ever! It was sooo worth it. Post Starbucks picture, priceless!

This is the group arriving to Sacramento! My goodness this was a good ass time!!! :)

This is a pic of my work buddies (not even close to all of them) and us doing it big at our annual xmas party!

JJ and I chillin in the snow at Mt Baldy! We never named that snowman... :P

Here is my cousin and I chillin at six flags!

Galletita and I chilling at $125 seats for the clippers! :) Gawd I love free stuff!

Here is part of the 2nd quarter. Yes they were doing okay and then they totally stopped trying! Booo Clippers!!!

PTK Officers and friends gathering, good times again!

And here is how I finish the year, looking for something better. I had my ups and downs and now I hope for something a little better. As for the rest of you, have a great New Years Eve and be safe because I want to have a great 2009 with you in it. Love you all more than you will ever know. One Love.