So here is the shin dig my friends and I were in. Yes that big castle. Ha! Anyways don't let looks deceive you they had this pleasure pit thing going on where there were chicks dancing 24/7 because every time I would walk by the place they had it going on. Also Excalibur (name of the hotel) is famous for having beer pong 24/7. Our location was ideal because we were across the street from New York New York, MGM, and Tropicana. Mandalay Bay (water park/hotel), Luxor (the big black pyramid), and Excalibur were connected so it made the commute that much easier when drunk.

And this my friends is Melinda at the stop. Yeah this girl can coordinate clothes and thats why we are friends. Hahaha jk! Well this was my other partner in crime for the trip. The three musketeers kicking ass across the border.

Here we are in Paris the hotel. Yeah as I said if you want to travel just go to Vegas and say you have been to all these awesome places on the same night and just walking distance from each other.

I have to admit this is one of the nicest hotels on the strip. Well of course you cannot beat Cesar's Palace, Palms, Bellagio, and others. But nonetheless this was my first time in this hotel even though this was my third trip to The Strip.

So im legal and I have to celebrate in a big way so I get myself a BIG tower. Its strawberry and piƱa colada stuff. Too sweet for my liking but the bartender was nice enough to kick it up a notch Emeril style and add more booze in it. For that the guy gets a generous tip.

Me and shiny balls.. who knew...

Melinda outside the Chippandale's theater at the Rio Hotel. Hell yes I am legal and hell yes I want to see naked men, isn't that what Vegas is about? YES! May I say I LOVED the show and all the men in it. It was worth being late to the next activity we had planned. Before this we went to some exhibit at Luxor where they had actual body muscle and body parts preserved and stuff. Kind of freaked me out and at the end of the day I wanted my money back but meh I got to spend it with my girls. The reproductive system was the most disturbing and deff left me with the not wanting to have children ever feeling.

Well dang Jazz what the party that wild?! Actually there was sooo much drama before this instant that it will die in Vegas for all I care but I had to bring a memory back with me. I wanted to jump on this bed and dry hump him. What is "its" name? Irrelevant! :) Good Times indeed.

Well this was the view I got from the 18th floor at the Mandalay Bay on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. But wait was I not staying at the Excalibur? Ha.. yeah exactly.. ;) Of course this was not our last day and there is no proof in pictures in my possession of what happened afterwards.
I watched the Pats game at the Excalibur lobby and got in a good buzz to put up with the loss against I dont know who. I felt bad because the whole bar was rooting for the opposing team. I had a couple sit next to me who were obviously against me but at the end of the day we shook hands and toasted to Vegas. We went to the Hard Rock Cafe had more drinks and ended the day at an Irish Bar at New York New York where I hold a personal best for 8 rums and cokes along with some Jager and some beer. I have no idea what I danced to that night and I cannot even begin to describe the vibe from the place but I had a great time. I must admit I am a graceful drunk when I want to be.
We left Sin City on a somewhat sour note that morning but we got home safely after a 3 1/2 hr drive. Oh yes we stopped at Barstow for a potty stop and then hit the road once again. Sure took a toll on my bottom but everything I lived that weekend was incredible. Not all incredible in a good way yet I would not change it for the world. I leave you with this though, it is possible to find love in Vegas... did I? No I already knew I had it. :D
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